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中正USR辦公室首頁 國立中正大學  Office Of Student Affairs   mail  


To achieve the goals of university social responsibility and local engagement in response to the development and needs of the closely linked region, our university established the dedicated "Office of Social Responsibility" in June 2018. Additionally, we formed a "Consultation Committee" that invites representatives from industry, government, academia, and experts in the Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan areas to participate. The committee provides consultation, advice, and feedback on the planning and implementation of our university's University Social Responsibility (USR) initiatives.

Internally, we have established a "School Support System" to integrate regional needs, assess internal resources, promote the principles, knowledge, and skills of USR, and incubate new USR teams. Recognizing that social engagement goes beyond traditional teaching formats, we have inventoried the teaching and research capabilities of our faculty, focused on key areas of regional development, and organized thematic teams. This has resulted in the development of a series of social responsibility capacity-building courses, workshops, and small-scale implementation projects, aimed at empowering our faculty and teams.

Simultaneously, we have embraced the concept of a professional community among our faculty, aligning capacity-building courses with regional development issues in the Changhua, Yunlin, and Chiayi areas. This step-by-step approach enables us to gradually focus on specific topics and build thematic teams. We also aim to leverage the professional expertise of neighboring colleges and universities to collectively address core issues. Through active participation in regional development, we aim to cultivate a sense of identity and put our ideals into practice, ultimately achieving our vision of local development and global connections.



Support Strategy for USR


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